Announcement of commencement of Project SPACE.
Project ( SPACE) will be wrapping up its final prototype 11/21 and we are announcing the commencement of the initiative that included Projects VERT,VAULT & REM collectively. The commencement will begin a new phase space( iCore) and establish a Measurement Framework to capture critical information about the enterprise of the business organization. READ MORE_____________ S, Ω, or U . D=( VERT,VAULT,REM) Outlook : Appsspan - We SPAN Worlds! Potential : Project - RISK Portfolio . ○. ΛPP.IPΛI iCore - Phase Space Enterprise Architecture *EA • Enterprise software application (Esa) • Resource Management • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Digital dashboards, also known as business intelligence dashboards, enterprise dashboards, or executive dashboards. These are visually based summaries of business data that show an at-a-glance understanding of conditions through metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs).